Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Life keeps moving!

It's funny how we can get stuck on certain things in life and forget that life moves forward no matter what. I feel like I have been trying to find myself for a while now, and I am not any closer to finding what I am looking for. I have also spent time recently reviewing my past (happens when one has too much time with not much to do). I have thought about past friends (some I have contact with and others I don't), past choices, and who I am. I have cards or notes I can read that tell me how 'wonderful' I am, but I am not sure that I am. Now don't get me wrong, I am in no way saying I don't like myself or I am depressed. I am just reflecting on my imperfections as a person. I think that I am a good person, I want to do what is right, and I want to live up to they way many people seem to view me. I am not as giving as I ought to be, I am not as kind as I ought to be, and so forth. I want to change this. I want to feel that I am what has been said about me by my kind friends. I know, no one is perfect. But I know I can do better. That is my goal, to be better then I am! To be more sincere. I am sorry for the times I have been unkind (even if it was in nothing more then thought).  I want to enjoy Life more then I currently am. It has been almost 10 years since I graduated from BYU, and I don't know where the majority of that time went. 

* All content copyrighted to Reb Sumner Photos


  1. Sounds like you have done some recent soul searching. Periodic self reflection is very usefull. I don't personally know you, but anyone who can ojectively look at themself and strive to be better is good in my book. I too have many things that I can do better and situations where I can be better...best of luck to you!

  2. Good luck Becca, girl. Still praying for you. :) Love you!

  3. A worthy and wonderful goal! Maybe being jobless has been a blessing in disguise for you. I know we ALL could find many things to improve in our lives but most of us never take the time to stop & reflect about it.

  4. I've known you for 20+ years and you've always been one of the kindest people I've ever met. You're open-minded and accept people for who they are. Self reflection is good, but know that you're one awesome chica and always have been.
