Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sequels to Novels!

I am not opposed to an author writing a sequel to a classic novel. It is fun to see other's ideas for characters I love! What I do hate is when an auther writes a sequel that is not true to the original, in terms of the characters or plot lines from the original book. If they are going to discuss events from the original book, quote it faithful; anyone who reads your book LOVE the original and know when you didn't do your research. And to change the nature of the original books characters? REALLY!?!?! To see a beloved character turned into an evil, negative character; or a strong character turned into a weak mouse! To take a moral character and make them imoral, NO! Needless to say I read such a novel last night! If it hadn't been a sequel to a most beloved novel, and changed key aspects of EVERY character, it would have been a nice read. The language was another issue! Most of those Characters would not use such language, nor do I appreciate reading them!

Anyway, just wanted to vent!!!!!!!

Have been reading books that are 'sequels' or spin-offs from Pride and Prejudice. I Know Janet, asking for trouble. This particular one was called 'the Independance of Mary Bennet.'