Saturday, February 20, 2010

Saint George

So as many know that I want to stay in St George, rather then move back to Ogden. Don't get me wrong it would be nice to live so close to so many of my friends and family, but I feel that Saint George is the spot for me.

Last night was one of my most depressing nights. I knew that with only one week left of February and no job that i had better start packing. I felt so hopeless. I felt like I had let everyone down. I should be able to keep a job, I should be able to support myself, but I right now I am struggling. Being unemployed can sure do a number on ones self esteem (especially when one already struggles with self esteem). This emotional time was late last night. This morning, my parents woke up thinking about me and my situation. They discussed it, and decided to help me out for at least one more month. So I get to stay! I am so grateful that I have parents who are so intuned with the Spirit to know when I am struggling! I only hope that I can quickly find a job to make good on their faith in me! I don't want to waste their money. I want to be who they see me as!


  1. You'll get there Becca, no worries. But another piece of advice: change your font color. Too hard to read. :) Love ya!
