Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Back in Ogden
So I am back in Ogden. I am missing St George, but it is fun to see everyone! Here are some recent fun photos I took.
Gotta love fall during the twilight hour!!!
Beautiful Miss Khyah sliding with Grandpa!
Brandt boy, need we say more. So cute, and he knows it!!!!!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Thank you!!!!!
I just wanted to thank everyone for their prayers and thoughts! As of tomorrow I join the world of the employed!!! I will be working at the Bumbleberry Gift Shop and Bakery!!! It is in Springdale, just barely outside of Zions National Park!!! I am way excited. I know this may not sound like the most exciting job, but I LOVE to work with people. I will get to meet many people from many locations!!! Plus I will have the freedom to do my photography!!!!! I am way excited for this oportunity in my life!!!!!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
two wolves
I just got this off a friends Facebook page!
One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.
He said. "My son, the Battle is between two "wolves" inside us all.
One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, an...d ego.
The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather:
"Which wolf wins?"
The old Cherokee simply replied, 'The one you feed"
Friday, February 26, 2010
I am a wimp!!!
OK, I know, be nice. I am. So I went for my weekly hike today! I went up one way, but wanted to come down another. However, there were a few spots were I knew I could do what I needed to get down, but one little mistake, and either myself or my camera (or both) would be sorry. I know that if my camera was the one in trouble I would sacrifce everything else to protect it, and as I hiking alone . . . Not good! However, I think that I wasted too much time fighting with myself about the right path. As I have wacked my sprained finger again (4th time in 4 months, what is it about the last week of the month? but that is another story), I knew that was a hinderance as well. My grasp on my right hand, which is weak to begin with (courtesy of that fall back in 2000) is even weaker right now! After getting myself in some sticky moments, I finally went another route to get down. But not after wasting an hour of my time. At one point I was in a one wrong move is trouble spot and I was stupid enough to think, 'this would be a bad time for a charly horse.' Luckily my calf didn't hear or I would have been in trouble! I have decided that stupidity is not only trying to do what you can't, but trying to do what you can do when others are around (and able to help) when you are alone. It is a good think that I am a wimp, or I may have gotten hurt today! It was a great hike, but I am sure feeling it more then the others I have done in the past! It is also amazing, how when one little tiny finger is hurting it can affect that whole side!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Sequels to Novels!
I am not opposed to an author writing a sequel to a classic novel. It is fun to see other's ideas for characters I love! What I do hate is when an auther writes a sequel that is not true to the original, in terms of the characters or plot lines from the original book. If they are going to discuss events from the original book, quote it faithful; anyone who reads your book LOVE the original and know when you didn't do your research. And to change the nature of the original books characters? REALLY!?!?! To see a beloved character turned into an evil, negative character; or a strong character turned into a weak mouse! To take a moral character and make them imoral, NO! Needless to say I read such a novel last night! If it hadn't been a sequel to a most beloved novel, and changed key aspects of EVERY character, it would have been a nice read. The language was another issue! Most of those Characters would not use such language, nor do I appreciate reading them!
Anyway, just wanted to vent!!!!!!!
Have been reading books that are 'sequels' or spin-offs from Pride and Prejudice. I Know Janet, asking for trouble. This particular one was called 'the Independance of Mary Bennet.'
Anyway, just wanted to vent!!!!!!!
Have been reading books that are 'sequels' or spin-offs from Pride and Prejudice. I Know Janet, asking for trouble. This particular one was called 'the Independance of Mary Bennet.'
Sunday, February 21, 2010
I Love Sundays!!!!
So this has been quite the weekend. Friday night I started to realize that there was only one week left of the month, and I still didn't have a job. Needless to say I started to feel really down and upset, I even cried. I didn't want to move home, but what was my choice? Saturday morning, my parents called me. They had both woken up that morning thinking about me and my situation. When they called they asked me what was going on this next weekend. I told them that I guessed I would need to move home, I still didn't have a job. They told me that they wanted to help me be as independant as possible and that they both felt I needed at least one more month in St George to keep looking. I couldn't believe they were offering, what I knew I couldn't ask for, but was theirs to give. I was very grateful, and I could feel a weight lift off of me.
That comes to today! What better topic for Sacrament Meeting then the Holy Ghost! In particular listening to the promptings of the Holy Ghost! How appropriate! The longer I sat there, the more I realized that this was a confirmation to me of just how aware of my situation the Lord is! He is the Master Arcitech of my life! He knows what I am going through and what I need! He hears my prayers (formal or otherwise). He answers my prayers! I am so grateful to my parents, that they are worthy to hear and heed such promptings! I know that the church is true. I know that Christ lived and does still live! He is my Savior and my Redeemer!
He lives to Silent all MY Fears, He lives to Wipe away MY Tears,
He lives to Calm MY Troubled heart, He lives all Blessings to Impart!!!!!
He never has, nor never will fail me!
That comes to today! What better topic for Sacrament Meeting then the Holy Ghost! In particular listening to the promptings of the Holy Ghost! How appropriate! The longer I sat there, the more I realized that this was a confirmation to me of just how aware of my situation the Lord is! He is the Master Arcitech of my life! He knows what I am going through and what I need! He hears my prayers (formal or otherwise). He answers my prayers! I am so grateful to my parents, that they are worthy to hear and heed such promptings! I know that the church is true. I know that Christ lived and does still live! He is my Savior and my Redeemer!
He lives to Silent all MY Fears, He lives to Wipe away MY Tears,
He lives to Calm MY Troubled heart, He lives all Blessings to Impart!!!!!
He never has, nor never will fail me!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Saint George
So as many know that I want to stay in St George, rather then move back to Ogden. Don't get me wrong it would be nice to live so close to so many of my friends and family, but I feel that Saint George is the spot for me.
Last night was one of my most depressing nights. I knew that with only one week left of February and no job that i had better start packing. I felt so hopeless. I felt like I had let everyone down. I should be able to keep a job, I should be able to support myself, but I right now I am struggling. Being unemployed can sure do a number on ones self esteem (especially when one already struggles with self esteem). This emotional time was late last night. This morning, my parents woke up thinking about me and my situation. They discussed it, and decided to help me out for at least one more month. So I get to stay! I am so grateful that I have parents who are so intuned with the Spirit to know when I am struggling! I only hope that I can quickly find a job to make good on their faith in me! I don't want to waste their money. I want to be who they see me as!
Last night was one of my most depressing nights. I knew that with only one week left of February and no job that i had better start packing. I felt so hopeless. I felt like I had let everyone down. I should be able to keep a job, I should be able to support myself, but I right now I am struggling. Being unemployed can sure do a number on ones self esteem (especially when one already struggles with self esteem). This emotional time was late last night. This morning, my parents woke up thinking about me and my situation. They discussed it, and decided to help me out for at least one more month. So I get to stay! I am so grateful that I have parents who are so intuned with the Spirit to know when I am struggling! I only hope that I can quickly find a job to make good on their faith in me! I don't want to waste their money. I want to be who they see me as!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Between Rain and a pinched nerve!
I didn't make it hiking last week so I have two compromises:
1. I have already done 2 hikes this week (thank you Sarah for coming to St George and hiking with me! and Matt and Jeanine) Pictures from these hikes will be post in 2 future blogs! I need to edit!
2. I am going to post some pictures I took of the St George Temple. Feb 9 was my ward temple night, so I thought it'll be the perfect night to bring my tripod and get som decent night shots. Well I was, of course, running late. As I was running in the sky was just too amazing to not snap a few shots. I am glad I did. I think some of my best shot are the ones I see and snap quickly. I tend to over analyze. When I was leaving the temple, all excited to take some photos with my tripod and remote (I don't play with these tools too often sadly, I discovered it was raining. And I mean pouring. I managed to snap a couple shots from my car (I parked across from the temple by the stake center there, however not that close to the door). So I guess I will have to go another night to get my 'night shots.' But here are these for now!
* All content copyrighted to Reb Sumner Photos
1. I have already done 2 hikes this week (thank you Sarah for coming to St George and hiking with me! and Matt and Jeanine) Pictures from these hikes will be post in 2 future blogs! I need to edit!
2. I am going to post some pictures I took of the St George Temple. Feb 9 was my ward temple night, so I thought it'll be the perfect night to bring my tripod and get som decent night shots. Well I was, of course, running late. As I was running in the sky was just too amazing to not snap a few shots. I am glad I did. I think some of my best shot are the ones I see and snap quickly. I tend to over analyze. When I was leaving the temple, all excited to take some photos with my tripod and remote (I don't play with these tools too often sadly, I discovered it was raining. And I mean pouring. I managed to snap a couple shots from my car (I parked across from the temple by the stake center there, however not that close to the door). So I guess I will have to go another night to get my 'night shots.' But here are these for now!
* All content copyrighted to Reb Sumner Photos
Friday, February 12, 2010
Reb's Photo Book
I am going to create a photo book of my 30-40 best photographs, with quotes and commentary! I need help! Please let me know what photos you think I should use! I want to have all the photos chosen my March 4 (yes Mike, I know). Also, please send me any quotes that you think might go along with my pictures (with their reference)! I want to have all my quotes selected by March 13. I am hoping to have the 1st draft ready by March 25 (love ya Janet).
I do plan to consider photos with people in them, if I have permission from the person. I am really excited for this. Thank you for your time and consideration!
Here is the link to my group page for this book! All I really ask, is that you look through the photos on this page and mark 'like' on the ones you think should be in the book! The photos with the most 'likes' will be included! I will once or twice a week go to the site and remove photos that are no longer considered. If you have a favorite shot of mine that I did not include, let me know. I will add it to the group and let others give their thoughts on it! Thanks again for your time and consideration.!/group.php?v=wall&ref=nf&gid=329148465900
* All content copyrighted to Reb Sumner Photos
I do plan to consider photos with people in them, if I have permission from the person. I am really excited for this. Thank you for your time and consideration!
Here is the link to my group page for this book! All I really ask, is that you look through the photos on this page and mark 'like' on the ones you think should be in the book! The photos with the most 'likes' will be included! I will once or twice a week go to the site and remove photos that are no longer considered. If you have a favorite shot of mine that I did not include, let me know. I will add it to the group and let others give their thoughts on it! Thanks again for your time and consideration.!/group.php?v=wall&ref=nf&gid=329148465900
* All content copyrighted to Reb Sumner Photos
Maybe I should have stayed in bed this morning!
So with all the rain we have been having here in St George, I have not yet had a chance to hike. Sad! I do still have today and tomorrow!
So my plan this morning was to get up early (you who know me, know how I detest getting up in the morning), hike the little trail to the top of the Dixie Rock, and take some sunrise photos! I didn't know for sure what time sunrise was so I set my alarm (the clock is 15 min fast on purpose) for 4:53. I like odd times. I even promised myself a reward is I got up in time! Now I should state that most of my issue with mornings is that I go to be way too late (many reasons not just because I am a night owl, though that too). So I promised myself I would be in bed by midnight. However, I got on Facebook and we all know how that goes. I actually would have been fine, but I started a group to help me pick photos for an upcoming photo book I am going to put together (more on that in the next blog) and a couple of my friends started going through marking 'like' on the photos they thought I should include and commenting on a few. I was having fun chatting and trying to view and add what they suggested. Had this not been the case, it would have been easier to get off and go to bed. But that is my fault none the less! So I went to bed around 1, not good with my alarm going off at 4:53! Needless to say, snooze was my friend this morning (it usually is when my alarm is on, this is why I like odd times). At 6:2? I sat up and looked outside, it was still pitch black. HOPE!!!! I got out of bed and started getting ready. I grabbed a hair tie, and put my hair in a pony tail (no time for anything fancy). As I started to put the tie in my hair, BAM! Sharp pain just below my right shoulder, I know instantly, pinched nerve! The pain was blinding, so I sat down to see what would happen. I subdued but did not go away. I decided to finish getting ready and go take pictures. I knew it would be unwise to hike up Dixie rock, but there are other spots that are OK for picture taking, and I was UP! So, off I went to a spot just below Dixie rock on Red Hills Parkway. I could see a small group of people up on Dixie rock, I admit, I was very jealous of them all! So I went to my spot. I knew I didn't have time to set up my tripod. I tried to take a few free hand shots, but I needed a tripod; and raising the camera was agrivating my shoulder. So I gave up. I knew that between my mood and the pain, I wouldn't get anything worth a hill of beans. Not to mention it was a bit chilly. So my sunrise photos will have to wait for another morning!
You always here people say, that they should have stayed in bed to avoid a bad day. Or go back to bed because of their day. I wonder, Had I stayed in bed, or just not gotten up so early; Would I have pinched the nerve? It didn't hurt until I pulled my hair up. Was the wrong motion at the wrong time? Or would the same motion have caused the same injury no matter when I got around to pulling my hair up? Anyway, I guess it doesn't really matter now. I just hope it calms down enough to let me hike later today or tomorrow. If NOT I hope it at least calms down before my shoot tomorrow night! I need to be well for that so I can be on top of my game! I need that to go well, I have business cards to pass out and would love to get more business off of this job!!! I NEED it, I am still job hunting!
* All content copyrighted to Reb Sumner Photos
So my plan this morning was to get up early (you who know me, know how I detest getting up in the morning), hike the little trail to the top of the Dixie Rock, and take some sunrise photos! I didn't know for sure what time sunrise was so I set my alarm (the clock is 15 min fast on purpose) for 4:53. I like odd times. I even promised myself a reward is I got up in time! Now I should state that most of my issue with mornings is that I go to be way too late (many reasons not just because I am a night owl, though that too). So I promised myself I would be in bed by midnight. However, I got on Facebook and we all know how that goes. I actually would have been fine, but I started a group to help me pick photos for an upcoming photo book I am going to put together (more on that in the next blog) and a couple of my friends started going through marking 'like' on the photos they thought I should include and commenting on a few. I was having fun chatting and trying to view and add what they suggested. Had this not been the case, it would have been easier to get off and go to bed. But that is my fault none the less! So I went to bed around 1, not good with my alarm going off at 4:53! Needless to say, snooze was my friend this morning (it usually is when my alarm is on, this is why I like odd times). At 6:2? I sat up and looked outside, it was still pitch black. HOPE!!!! I got out of bed and started getting ready. I grabbed a hair tie, and put my hair in a pony tail (no time for anything fancy). As I started to put the tie in my hair, BAM! Sharp pain just below my right shoulder, I know instantly, pinched nerve! The pain was blinding, so I sat down to see what would happen. I subdued but did not go away. I decided to finish getting ready and go take pictures. I knew it would be unwise to hike up Dixie rock, but there are other spots that are OK for picture taking, and I was UP! So, off I went to a spot just below Dixie rock on Red Hills Parkway. I could see a small group of people up on Dixie rock, I admit, I was very jealous of them all! So I went to my spot. I knew I didn't have time to set up my tripod. I tried to take a few free hand shots, but I needed a tripod; and raising the camera was agrivating my shoulder. So I gave up. I knew that between my mood and the pain, I wouldn't get anything worth a hill of beans. Not to mention it was a bit chilly. So my sunrise photos will have to wait for another morning!
You always here people say, that they should have stayed in bed to avoid a bad day. Or go back to bed because of their day. I wonder, Had I stayed in bed, or just not gotten up so early; Would I have pinched the nerve? It didn't hurt until I pulled my hair up. Was the wrong motion at the wrong time? Or would the same motion have caused the same injury no matter when I got around to pulling my hair up? Anyway, I guess it doesn't really matter now. I just hope it calms down enough to let me hike later today or tomorrow. If NOT I hope it at least calms down before my shoot tomorrow night! I need to be well for that so I can be on top of my game! I need that to go well, I have business cards to pass out and would love to get more business off of this job!!! I NEED it, I am still job hunting!
* All content copyrighted to Reb Sumner Photos
Monday, February 8, 2010
Hiking the Santa Clara Volcano
OK, so last week I started feeling very negative about my situation (after a while, at first it was good to reflect, but I think I started looking too deeply). I realized that part of the problem was my constant focus on being jobless. Yes, when you are job hunting it does need to be your main focus. But it was my only focus, I decided to rectify this by going Hiking and taking some Photos! Nothing can fix a sour mood of mine like those two activities combined! When my brother was down we had discussed hiking either Johnson's trail (it leads to an arch) and/or the cinder cones. Both of these are just outside of Snow Canyon. The cinder cone trail seemed the most fascinating to me. I don't know if both the cinder cones together form the remains of the Santa Clara Volcano or if there are actually two, though they are awfully close together for that. But given my fascination for volcanoes, I chose that hike! It was the shorter hike, but a lot more difficult. I also came across some Snow and ice.
The trail winds around the one Cinder Cone with gentle slopes till the last quarter of a mile when jets up the steep slope. My calf muscles really didn't like the steepness of this part. I then walked around the rim. I was worried going down it was so steep. I managed to get down the steep slope no problem. Then as I was going around there was some snow on the path, so I went off the trail to get around the worst of it (or so I thought). I took one stip back on the frozen path, not even in the snow, and found myself all but on the ground. My Left arm had braced the fall so that my bum didn't hit the ground. Through I then felt a sudden sharp pain from the now strained muscle in my shoulder. So I let myself drop the last inch and I sat in the muddy snow for a minute. I then got up determined to be more careful. About 5 minutes later I came to very muddy spot. I paused to reflect and realized why one should NEVER stop in mud, on a slight slope. The mud took my feet suddenly down the slope, I flipped to the right (the ab muscles didn't appreciate this sudden twist) and caught myself again, before doing a face plant in the mud. Of course, protected my camera very well on both these instantces. I vowed that next time I wanted to hike the Cinder Cone I would A. Not hike alone and B. evaluate how much rain we have been getting to avoid such mud.
I realized I have been slacking in my hiking. Last Spring, I went hiking at least once a week, in preparation for Multnomah (I was demined to do the full loop and not just to the top of the falls), as everyone was telling my how 'difficult' the hike to the top of the falls was. The first thought Amy and I had on top of the Falls was, 'that was difficult?' But I digress. I realized that I have not been going hiking weekly (sad with so much beauty all around me). I need to start this weekly hiking again. That is my New Goal, and as I apparently need something to push me to do it (sadly, I have no plans to return to Multnomah in the near future), here is my incentive. Everyweek I will post a new blog with some of the pictures I took while hiking! That way you all can harass me if I miss going hiking one week!
Anyway, so here are some of the pictures from my little adventure!!!!
* All content copyrighted to Reb Sumner Photos
The trail winds around the one Cinder Cone with gentle slopes till the last quarter of a mile when jets up the steep slope. My calf muscles really didn't like the steepness of this part. I then walked around the rim. I was worried going down it was so steep. I managed to get down the steep slope no problem. Then as I was going around there was some snow on the path, so I went off the trail to get around the worst of it (or so I thought). I took one stip back on the frozen path, not even in the snow, and found myself all but on the ground. My Left arm had braced the fall so that my bum didn't hit the ground. Through I then felt a sudden sharp pain from the now strained muscle in my shoulder. So I let myself drop the last inch and I sat in the muddy snow for a minute. I then got up determined to be more careful. About 5 minutes later I came to very muddy spot. I paused to reflect and realized why one should NEVER stop in mud, on a slight slope. The mud took my feet suddenly down the slope, I flipped to the right (the ab muscles didn't appreciate this sudden twist) and caught myself again, before doing a face plant in the mud. Of course, protected my camera very well on both these instantces. I vowed that next time I wanted to hike the Cinder Cone I would A. Not hike alone and B. evaluate how much rain we have been getting to avoid such mud.
I realized I have been slacking in my hiking. Last Spring, I went hiking at least once a week, in preparation for Multnomah (I was demined to do the full loop and not just to the top of the falls), as everyone was telling my how 'difficult' the hike to the top of the falls was. The first thought Amy and I had on top of the Falls was, 'that was difficult?' But I digress. I realized that I have not been going hiking weekly (sad with so much beauty all around me). I need to start this weekly hiking again. That is my New Goal, and as I apparently need something to push me to do it (sadly, I have no plans to return to Multnomah in the near future), here is my incentive. Everyweek I will post a new blog with some of the pictures I took while hiking! That way you all can harass me if I miss going hiking one week!
Anyway, so here are some of the pictures from my little adventure!!!!
What a great view!
This is the Cinder Cone I hiked.
This is the Other Cinder Cone.
The Steep part of the trail!
Diamond Valley, Ut
Shooting across the Cinder Cone
Looking over St. George!
Loving the View.
Random Sunset shot that includes my car!!!
* All content copyrighted to Reb Sumner Photos
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Life keeps moving!
It's funny how we can get stuck on certain things in life and forget that life moves forward no matter what. I feel like I have been trying to find myself for a while now, and I am not any closer to finding what I am looking for. I have also spent time recently reviewing my past (happens when one has too much time with not much to do). I have thought about past friends (some I have contact with and others I don't), past choices, and who I am. I have cards or notes I can read that tell me how 'wonderful' I am, but I am not sure that I am. Now don't get me wrong, I am in no way saying I don't like myself or I am depressed. I am just reflecting on my imperfections as a person. I think that I am a good person, I want to do what is right, and I want to live up to they way many people seem to view me. I am not as giving as I ought to be, I am not as kind as I ought to be, and so forth. I want to change this. I want to feel that I am what has been said about me by my kind friends. I know, no one is perfect. But I know I can do better. That is my goal, to be better then I am! To be more sincere. I am sorry for the times I have been unkind (even if it was in nothing more then thought). I want to enjoy Life more then I currently am. It has been almost 10 years since I graduated from BYU, and I don't know where the majority of that time went.
* All content copyrighted to Reb Sumner Photos
* All content copyrighted to Reb Sumner Photos
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Doing the right thing.
So I go one to my bank account to see what my last paycheck was. I took one look at the amount deposited, and thought WOW there has been a mistake. So I pulled up the online paystub, and easily found the mistake. One the previous check I was only paid $10 an hour for my 32 hours of PTO instead of $13, so they were fixing this. The way they did makes sense, but made one tine mistake. See to correct it they paid me for 32 hours of PTO at $13, then put in a -32 hours at $10. For some reason, the -32 hours turned into a +$320. So on the paycheck the $ read $416 + $320 (+the rest of my check which was correct). I instantly called the Payroll depart (a number I happened to have on hand has I had to call to get the 2 holidays put on my check, like they should have been (and fix the $ amount I was paid for my PTO). So I called, and not only got NO answer, but I got a message telling me that this voice mail box is not receiving messages at the time. Frustrating. So I had to call my old manager and explain the issue. I think she was surprised that I called to tell her I was over paid $320. After we hung up I was trying to estimate how much I should have received. It still didn't look right, that is when I realized that I was actually over paid $320 twice (1. the actual line item and 2. the $320 that wasn't subtracted from the $416). So I called Claudia (and when she didn't answer texted) to tell her that was over paid $640. She texted back to say thank you, and that is the last I have heard. I tried calling AGAIN, same message, to I called back and chose a different agent to see if I could get the message to her that way. No luck. Doing the right thing should NOT be this hard. With all the success I am having getting in touch with the company, you would think They had shorted me $640 not the other way!!!
Seriously, people. I don't even know if I dare take out my rent, or even put gas in my car incase they reverse the full amount of the debit, and then re-debit, to fix the issue. I won't touch their money, I know better and who not feel right about it; but some of that money in there is MINE. I earned it, but I don't want to be charged an NSF (I have talked to my bank, and they promised to reverse any that may apply due to this issue, but I don't want to hassle). What to do!!!!!!
Oh, well, at least I can look the girl in the mirror in the eyes! I guess that is what really matters. I would have been so easy to let them figure out (if they did) that they over paid me. That money could pay my rent, rather then having to 'borrow' rent money from the church welfare for rent. But I would feel aweful, just thinking it feels aweful! I am glad to see it go, because it is not mine; but at the same time part of me wishes it were mine. Is that wrong? I don't covet it, I just could really use it! Oh well, If I am faithful, the Lord will provide. In His own time the Lord will provide, is it wrong to wish we were on the same page about the 'own time' thing? This has been a very humbling week! I Hate to ask for help even from my parents, to have had to ask for help from my Bishop was REALLY hard for me! But I suppose it is a lesson the Lord felt I needed for his own cause. And I am sure that His cause is better then my cause. He knows best, I KNOW that. I just need to be better at remembering it.


Had some fun with my camera the other day! I am even wearing makeup! I know, don't die of shock at that one!!!
* All content copyrighted to Reb Sumner Photos
Seriously, people. I don't even know if I dare take out my rent, or even put gas in my car incase they reverse the full amount of the debit, and then re-debit, to fix the issue. I won't touch their money, I know better and who not feel right about it; but some of that money in there is MINE. I earned it, but I don't want to be charged an NSF (I have talked to my bank, and they promised to reverse any that may apply due to this issue, but I don't want to hassle). What to do!!!!!!
Oh, well, at least I can look the girl in the mirror in the eyes! I guess that is what really matters. I would have been so easy to let them figure out (if they did) that they over paid me. That money could pay my rent, rather then having to 'borrow' rent money from the church welfare for rent. But I would feel aweful, just thinking it feels aweful! I am glad to see it go, because it is not mine; but at the same time part of me wishes it were mine. Is that wrong? I don't covet it, I just could really use it! Oh well, If I am faithful, the Lord will provide. In His own time the Lord will provide, is it wrong to wish we were on the same page about the 'own time' thing? This has been a very humbling week! I Hate to ask for help even from my parents, to have had to ask for help from my Bishop was REALLY hard for me! But I suppose it is a lesson the Lord felt I needed for his own cause. And I am sure that His cause is better then my cause. He knows best, I KNOW that. I just need to be better at remembering it.


* All content copyrighted to Reb Sumner Photos
Saturday, January 23, 2010
My website!!!!
Ok I know it isn't WOW, but the fact that it not only has something on it (and the fact that I did it) is pretty amazing to me! Please, offer me your suggestions to improve it (or just for photo names)! I am loving that my website is no longer such the embarrassment that it has been for over a year!!!!
Now for SLEEP (I know Janet, who needs sleep), as I was up all night working on this website! I am really not an insomniac, I got sick. Between the medicines and the symptoms, I was in and out a good portion of yesterday. I can't lay down, my head is too stuffy, and I just don't always sleep so well sitting up so I end up taking Lots of naps! Sadly, being sick and lack the lack of sleep issue, I will have to miss the Music workshop I was going to go to this morning!
Anyway! Please still remember me in your prayers! I have one week left in which to find a job, or I have to move!!!!! And I really wanna stay where I am, it just feels right!
Now for SLEEP (I know Janet, who needs sleep), as I was up all night working on this website! I am really not an insomniac, I got sick. Between the medicines and the symptoms, I was in and out a good portion of yesterday. I can't lay down, my head is too stuffy, and I just don't always sleep so well sitting up so I end up taking Lots of naps! Sadly, being sick and lack the lack of sleep issue, I will have to miss the Music workshop I was going to go to this morning!
Anyway! Please still remember me in your prayers! I have one week left in which to find a job, or I have to move!!!!! And I really wanna stay where I am, it just feels right!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Remember me in you Prayers! PLEASE!!!!
I hate job hunting! OK, so everyone does! I need everyone to pray for me! I need to find a job by the end of this month or I will have to move. I like living in St George! I feel that this is where the Lord wants me. Please help me pray for my miracle, to be able to stay here. I need to work hard to be able to stay here. I need to stay here. Thank you for your love and support in this difficult time of mine!
Your friend,
Reb (Rebecca, Becca) Sumner
Your friend,
Reb (Rebecca, Becca) Sumner
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year!!! Welcome 2010!!!!
Ok, while I am not quite as inspired as my sister Janet, I do have a couple resolutions for this upcoming year!
1. Finish my Quilt that I started at Snow College! I admit it has taken a long time, but that is mostly because I stop working on it for LONG periods of time! No More!!! I actually hope to finish it before July when It will be REALLY hot in St George!
2. Start making money off my Photography! Not at some studio owned by some company, but what I take with MY Personal Camera! My framed pictures, or just prints.
3. To Stay in St George!!!!!! I know that I am where the Lord wants me, and I PLAN to stay!
2009 has been an interesting year. I spent the first 6 months looking for employment, and the last 6 working at a job that is set up to fail. I now know that the Studio Manager of the St George Sears Portrait Studio, cannot succeed until the company recognizes that St George is NOT your normal small town America! It is very unique, just ask those who live there. However going through 6 Studio Managers in 3 years, clearly is not the fault of the company's expectations. They just weren't the right people for the job. It is obviously easier to keep replacing the Studio Manager, then to re-evaluate the studio and it's demographics (and current economic situation). But to be honest, after the last 2 months, I am glad to be done with the company! I am tired of being in a situation where everything I do (even if I am doing EXACTLY what the District and Area Managers have told me to do) is wrong. I am tired of employees that feel the need to relate any failing in me (sadly I am HUMAN and therefore have failings) to the District Manager, but never the good that I do. I am tired of the stress! I am tired of spending a good portion of my days off work, on my personal phone (that I pay for) helping those same employees that turn around and tell the District Manager that I NEVER help them. I am glad to be done with this job!!!!
But I really did have a good 2009!!!! Luckily I have a talent for looking back and only remembering the good things and forgetting the bad!
3. To Stay in St George!!!!!! I know that I am where the Lord wants me, and I PLAN to stay!
2009 has been an interesting year. I spent the first 6 months looking for employment, and the last 6 working at a job that is set up to fail. I now know that the Studio Manager of the St George Sears Portrait Studio, cannot succeed until the company recognizes that St George is NOT your normal small town America! It is very unique, just ask those who live there. However going through 6 Studio Managers in 3 years, clearly is not the fault of the company's expectations. They just weren't the right people for the job. It is obviously easier to keep replacing the Studio Manager, then to re-evaluate the studio and it's demographics (and current economic situation). But to be honest, after the last 2 months, I am glad to be done with the company! I am tired of being in a situation where everything I do (even if I am doing EXACTLY what the District and Area Managers have told me to do) is wrong. I am tired of employees that feel the need to relate any failing in me (sadly I am HUMAN and therefore have failings) to the District Manager, but never the good that I do. I am tired of the stress! I am tired of spending a good portion of my days off work, on my personal phone (that I pay for) helping those same employees that turn around and tell the District Manager that I NEVER help them. I am glad to be done with this job!!!!
But I really did have a good 2009!!!! Luckily I have a talent for looking back and only remembering the good things and forgetting the bad!
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